Sunday, August 22, 2010

The final driveway (Part 4)

Today we take a ride down the driveway from the home site to the main road. I'm guessing door to door salesmen will not be a problem.  Next up is staking out the house's location on the hillside to take advantage of the views and sounds coming from the creek located below.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cleaning up the driveway (Driveway Part 3)

Today we set out to try to minimize the amount of brush that had gathered along the path from the hundreds of branches that were cut off the trees along the path. I again contacted my neighbor about a wood chipper rental, and set off to clean up the mess from the prior week. I soon ran into a bit of trouble with the tractor sliding a bit sideways down the hill but we quickly got it under control by removing the wood chipper and pulling it back with my truck.

Soon the wood chipper began to suffer the same fate as the excavator the week prior and failed to chip anything larger then a twig. Soon after the trouble started we called it a weekend and retired to the comfort of the AC back home.

At this point I began to look around for a local logging company, I was interested in someone that may want the tree's on the home site in trade for the labor involved in removing them. I ended up meeting two local guys from the same town that we were building in that could help me with that portion of the project.  Soon we had some heavy equipment removing all of the tree's that were roped off at the home site and future side yard. Most of the wood was being sold off to a pulp mill, and I wasn't doing a thing but enjoying the progress at this point. 

After most of the tree's at the top of the hill were removed we could turn our attention to smoothing out the driveway. This is the part my daughter enjoyed becasue of the large equipment involved.